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The Experiment of Using Peat Fields at Kirov Meadow and Swamp Experimental Station


Brief excursion in the history of station development. The basis of station experimental field consists in many years’ field stations continuously operating from 20 to 70 years. The most important problem explored by the stations is maximum preservation of peat fallow in the process of its usage in farming. Given: The data on wear of organic matter, change of phytocenosis, soil characteristics within station fields.Described: The results of systematic experimental observations for a change of characteristics of worked-out peat swamps used in fodder production, occupied by forests and as garden-plots and also for reswamping.

About the Authors

A. N. Ulanov
Kirov, Russian Federation
Russian Federation

A. V. Smirnova
Kirov, Russian Federation
Russian Federation


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2. Маслов, Б.С. Оценка плодородия торфяной почвы при длительном использовании / Б.С.Маслов, П.И.Зоткин //Химия в сельском хозяйстве.- 1996.- № 5. - С. 38-40

3. Нестеренко, И.М. Гидромелиоративное исследование в Карелии / И.М. Нестеренко //Проблемы развития и научного обеспечения АПК северных регионов России. Материалы сессии РАСХН. Ч.I. - М., 1999.- С. 319-324

4. Уланов, А.Н. Торфяные и выработанные почвы южной тайги Евро-Северо-Востока России./ А.Н.Уланов. - Киров, 2005, 320 с


For citations:

Ulanov A.N., Smirnova A.V. The Experiment of Using Peat Fields at Kirov Meadow and Swamp Experimental Station. Land Reclamation. 2009;(1):191-201. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)