
Land Reclamation

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Reclamation of Overwetted Valleys with Closed Collectors with Improved Absorbing Columns


Developed: The design of closed collector ZC-2 with the use of new absorbing columns. The calculation method of closed collector ZC-2 with absorbing columns and the use of regions of pipes with diameter increasing as the increase of collector consumption along the length is proposed. Depending on agricultural usage of overwetted valleys there is defined the range of areas ameliorated with closed collector 3C-2 when mounted with KPF-1 absorbing columns from 10 to 30 pieces with a consumption of 0.2 l/s. The effectiveness of amelioration of overwetted valleys is shown when used in absorbing columns ZC-2 with higher flow capacity: KPF-2-0.4 l/s and KPF-3-0.7 l/s.

About the Authors

V. M. Makoyed
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

G. V. Khmelevskaya
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

S. V. Krupenchick
RUE "Belarusian State Project Institute for Water Management"


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2. Проектирование и возведение мелиоративных систем и сооружений», Пособие ПI-98 к СНиП 2.06.03-85. Минск, 1999 - 85 с

3. Масюк В.М. Закрытый собиратель. Мелиорация. Энциклопедический справочник. - Минск, 1984. - С. 187

4. Проектные решения «Закрытые собиратели для осушительных систем». Утверждены ГПО «Белмелиоводхоз» Приказом №76 от 14 мая 2007 г., введены в действие ГПО «Белмелиоводхоз» с 1 декабря 2007 г. приказом № 249 от 30 ноября 2007 г


For citations:

Makoyed V.M., Khmelevskaya G.V., Krupenchick S.V. Reclamation of Overwetted Valleys with Closed Collectors with Improved Absorbing Columns. Land Reclamation. 2009;(1):178-185. (In Russ.)

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