
Land Reclamation

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The Influence of Deep Cultivation of Mineral Drained Soils of Poozerye for Evaporation Content


Results of measurements of the maximal evaporation for of some agricultural crops on the mineral reclaimed grounds in conditions of the Belarus lake grounds in view of carrying out of actions on deep loosening are resulted. Empirical settlement dependences are received. It is established, that loosening promotes increase in the maximal evaporation. Deviations from a variant with use of standard processing can make up to 6 mm for a decade that makes 122 % in relation to the control. Results of experiment allow to raise accuracy of calculations of water consumption, water-balance calculations, designing of modes of humidifying and an irrigation of the agricultural grounds at use of actions on deep loosening.

About the Author

A. V. Kopytovskikh
Educational Enterprise "Polesye State University"


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For citations:

Kopytovskikh A.V. The Influence of Deep Cultivation of Mineral Drained Soils of Poozerye for Evaporation Content. Land Reclamation. 2009;(1):158-163. (In Russ.)

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