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Calculation of Efforts in Rods of Front Hitch While Crossing Irregularities of Relief


A tendency of construction of balanced in longitudinal plane separated tillable aggregates appeared in theworld agricultural machine building industry. The aggregates carry ploughs on front and rear hinges. Such a construction is especially actual based on crawler-mounted spring-loaded tractors having a high different in the process of operation.The aim is to develop algorithm of calculating efforts in rods of tractor hitch taking into account forces and moments of interaction of the tractor and the tool appearing at the moment of crossing the irregularities of relief. To avoid the action of tractor body different affecting the hitch automatic system of hitch adjustment is proposed, with tractor’s upper arm having length varying depending on the effort value in it.It is ascertained that for Belarus-2103 tractor in the aggregate with three-body plough on front hitch at tractor body different being φ = 3º the upper rod works to compression, at that the value of appearing in it effort considerably exceeding the values intrinsic to operation on smooth base surface. For compensation of such different it is quite enough to miniaturize the length of upper rod for 11.3 mm.

About the Authors

G. S. Gorin
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

A. V. Vashchula
ГУ «Белорусская МИС»


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For citations:

Gorin G.S., Vashchula A.V. Calculation of Efforts in Rods of Front Hitch While Crossing Irregularities of Relief. Land Reclamation. 2009;(1):114-120. (In Russ.)

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