
Land Reclamation

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Parameters of malfunction of basic elements of meliorative systems


With the purpose of revealing and the prevention of infringements in functioning meliorative objects and estimations of their technical condition it is required to spend regular inspections of meliorative systems on an establishment of defects, deformations, degrees of serviceability of constructions and devices on them. Practical actions on the further operation of meliorative object are developed on the basis of materials of inspection according to certificates on an establishment of defects and in view of a parameter of failure of elements of meliorative systems.

About the Author

E. K. Karuchina
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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2. Мелиоративные системы и сооружения, организация работ по проектированию, строительству и эксплуатации. РД .05 - 01. // Минсельхозпрод РБ. - Минск, 2005. - 30 с

3. Правила технической эксплуатации мелиоративных систем в Белорусской ССР. /Л.И.Новик, А.Н.Корженевский, Ф.В.Саплюков, В.И.Дубрава, Н.А.Поливко - Минск, 1991. - 70 с

4. Методические указания о порядке проведения инвентаризации мелиоративных систем в РБ. / А.П.Лихацевич , А.С.Мееровский, В.П.Дальков, В.А.Сидорович [и др.]. - Минск, 1996. - 43 с


For citations:

Karuchina E.K. Parameters of malfunction of basic elements of meliorative systems. Land Reclamation. 2009;(1):108-113. (In Russ.)

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