
Land Reclamation

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Causes of Stability Failure of Protective Constructions within Artificial Water Objects


Examined: The factors resulting in abrasion process, their influence onto the coast line of artificial water objects (including protection areas). Analysed: The influence of totality of forces from the direction of water basin and the coast onto the coast protective constructions. Presented: The assessment methods of working up of the coast line on artificial water objects and the causes deteriorating the stability of coast protecting constructions.

About the Authors

V. E. Levkevich
State Educational Enterprise "Command and Engineering Institute of Emergency Ministry of Belarus"

A. V. Busuk
State Educational Enterprise "Command and Engineering Institute of Emergency Ministry of Belarus"

V. V. Kobyak
State Educational Enterprise "Command and Engineering Institute of Emergency Ministry of Belarus"


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For citations:

Levkevich V.E., Busuk A.V., Kobyak V.V. Causes of Stability Failure of Protective Constructions within Artificial Water Objects. Land Reclamation. 2009;(1):79-84. (In Russ.)

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