
Land Reclamation

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Influence of Woody and Shrubby Vegetation on Spillway Capacity of Controlled River Intakes


The article presents the functionality (hydraulic permeability) modelling of the regulated Southeast Lithuanian streams overgrown with woody vegetation and the possibilities to plan naturalization of the regulated streams. The research of woody vegetation was carried out in the Neris river basin.

About the Authors

V. .. Šaulys
Water Management Institute of Lithuanian Agricultural University

O. .. Barvidienė
Vilnius Gedeminas Technical University


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For citations:

Šaulys V..., Barvidienė O... Influence of Woody and Shrubby Vegetation on Spillway Capacity of Controlled River Intakes. Land Reclamation. 2009;(1):48-54. (In Russ.)

Views: 172

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