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Catgut and Its Resources in Food Production


Based on the results of long-term investigations and production experience of agricultural enterprises of Belarussian Polessie ascertained: perspectives of sowing extension of important high-albuminous planting - catgut, including on drained peat soils. Its pasture performance within 6-7 years is preserved at the level of 9-10 centners of fodder units from hectare.

About the Authors

P. T. Pikun
Polesye Branch of RUE "Scientific Production Centre of national Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Agriculture"

A. S. Meerovsky
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

A. G. Skidan
JSC "Gomel Grass Seeds"


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3. Кадыров, М. А. Стратегия экономически целесообразной адаптивной интенсификации системы земледелия Беларуси. / М. А. Кадыров. - Мн. - 2004

4. Пикун, П. Т. Кормопроизводство: нетрадиционные культуры, проблемы и пути их решения./ Пикун П.Т., Пикун М.Ф. [и др. ]. - Мозырь. - 2005

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For citations:

Pikun P.T., Meerovsky A.S., Skidan A.G. Catgut and Its Resources in Food Production. Land Reclamation. 2008;(1):172-176. (In Russ.)

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