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Syngenetic Units of Meadow Herbage in Drained Soils of European North Site


The process of variation of species composition of sowed meadows on drained peat and mineral soils is determined by: ecobiological characteristics of sowed grasses, soil crop-producing power, weather-climatic conditions. In the process of syngenesis homotypical seedings of bent-grass under study turn to multitypical ones with a definite floristic composition which corresponds to conditions of the given ecotope. On mineral soils during 6 years the stability of rootstock grasses, such as painted grass and meadow foxtail, is to a great extent higher than loosebunch grasses, such as meadow fescue and cocksfoot. Under the conditions of peat soil the highest stability in cenosis are characterized plants of cocksfood which may become as sodominant in agrocenosis within the period of 10-15 years. Rootstock grasses are characterized by more adaptive potential on peat and mineral soils.

About the Authors

T. V. Kulakovskaya
Belarusian National Technical University

G. F. Laidinen
Institute of Biology of Karelian Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

N. P. Larionova
Institute of Biology of Karelian Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Ju. V. Batova
Institute of Biology of Karelian Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kulakovskaya T.V., Laidinen G.F., Larionova N.P., Batova J.V. Syngenetic Units of Meadow Herbage in Drained Soils of European North Site. Land Reclamation. 2008;(1):159-166. (In Russ.)

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