
Land Reclamation

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Prospects and Resources of the Remote Sensing of the Earth at Monitoring Foundation of the State of Reclamation Works in Polessie


Examined: Methods of remote sensing of the Earth and commercial satellites with parameters available for investigation of the state of reclamation works. Given: two main groups of tasks being perspective for application of data of remote sensing of the Earth for reclamation works, evaluation of need to carry out damage control works or reconstruction; active efficiency assessment of agricultural utilization of drained areas. Given: assessment of possible technical parameters of survey that may be quite effective for solution of specific reclamation tasks. Given: an example of search of archival pictures with high and medium image resolution aimed to investigation of wettings on a certain area.

About the Authors

V. A. Tovkach
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

E. N. Shkutov
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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3. Кравцова, В. И. Космические методы исследования почв. /В. И. Кравцова. - М.: Аспект Пресс, 2005. - 190 с

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For citations:

Tovkach V.A., Shkutov E.N. Prospects and Resources of the Remote Sensing of the Earth at Monitoring Foundation of the State of Reclamation Works in Polessie. Land Reclamation. 2008;(1):14-25. (In Russ.)

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