Trends for Perfection of Standard Servicing and Maintenance of Reclamation Works in Belarus
Developed: scale of complex assessment of drainage and watering works resources provided groundwater level control enabling to realize in full measure the resources of soil water state settlement in drainage regions and to select the priority technology of control; drainage and watering works arrangement procedure for operational management and control of water regime of reclaimed areas. The procedure not only defines the priorities, but also makes it possible to perform most efficiently the distribution of assigned investments, even if they are not sufficient for total reconstruction of all reclamation works. The suggested arrangement including design stages and practical realization of the project makes it possible to realize most efficiently on practice the procedures for water regime control of drained areas developed by the Institute of Land Improvement.
For citations:
Likhatsevich A.P.
Trends for Perfection of Standard Servicing and Maintenance of Reclamation Works in Belarus. Land Reclamation. 2008;(1):5-13.
(In Russ.)
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