The current condition and ecological ameliorative value of tree and shrub ecosystems on the fixed sands of the Astrakhan region
The assessment of the current condition of treeshrub ecosystems on the fixed drifting sands of the Astrakhan Volga region, which have preserved the integrity of the multi-tiered structure of phytocenoses, depending on the method of fixing the Sands, their overgrowth by forage pasture plants, the period of reclamation of the foci of deflation and the mode of operation of the restored pasture lands.
About the Authors
V. LepeskoRussian Federation
L. Rybashlykova
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Lepesko V., Rybashlykova L. The current condition and ecological ameliorative value of tree and shrub ecosystems on the fixed sands of the Astrakhan region. Land Reclamation. 2019;(2):69-72. (In Russ.)