From the experience of large diameter pipes usage for drainage systems
The article discusses current and future issues of large diameter polymer pipes using on landreclamation systems instead of part of open channels, which allows to reduce the contour of the fields, to leave large areas allocated for channels in agricultural circulation. At the same time, normal conditions are created for the operation of widerange agricultural machinery and reduced operating costs for maintaining an open network. Provides information on the usage of large diameter pipes and an assessment of their economic efficiency when replacing channels with polyethylene corrugated pipes with a diameter of 200 to 400 mm. The nomenclature of polyethylene corrugated pipes with a diameter of 160 to 500 mm, which can be used on land improvement facilities, with their cost, is given.
About the Authors
A. I. MitrakhovichBelarus
V. M. Makoed
A. P. Sergeenya
S. M. Lavushev
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For citations:
Mitrakhovich A.I., Makoed V.M., Sergeenya A.P., Lavushev S.M. From the experience of large diameter pipes usage for drainage systems. Land Reclamation. 2019;(2):13-17. (In Russ.)