
Land Reclamation

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Methods of determination of the contents of mineral compounds of nitrogen in anthropogenically-converted degraded peat soils


The outcomes of investigations on development of methods for determination of the contents of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen in degraded peat soils are represented. The estimation ofoutcomes reproducibility of repeat determinations is given. Deflections from average account for 8,7% on nitrate nitrogen and 7,3 % on ammonium nitrogen. That is much lower, than by other methods. The close connection between contents of the organic matter and nitrate nitrogen and also ammonium nitrogen.

About the Authors

N. N. Semenenko
Institute for Land Reclamtion and Grassland Cultivation

S. I. Zhmachinskaya
Institute for Land Reclamtion and Grassland Cultivation

V. A. Zhuravlev
Institute for Land Reclamtion and Grassland Cultivation


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4. Методы агрохимических анализов почв. Определение обменного аммония и содержания нитратов в почвах. ОСТ 4649-76. - М. - 1976. - 16 с


For citations:

Semenenko N.N., Zhmachinskaya S.I., Zhuravlev V.A. Methods of determination of the contents of mineral compounds of nitrogen in anthropogenically-converted degraded peat soils. Land Reclamation. 2005;(2):180-188. (In Russ.)

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