
Land Reclamation

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Productivity of fodder agrocoenosises on post-peat soil complexes in Polesie


The outcomes of investigations of productivity of fodder agrocoenosises on post-peat soil complexes in Belarusian Polesie have allowed to compare effectiveness of different cultures and mixtures of those. The ranking on economic and energy parameters has shown high effectiveness of alfalfa. Usage of it will increase forage production efficiency by 1,5…2 times.

For citations:

Dautina D.B., Meerovski A.S., Rusak T.I., Shkutov E.N. Productivity of fodder agrocoenosises on post-peat soil complexes in Polesie. Land Reclamation. 2005;(2):127-143. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)