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Sediment regime in the Yellow River and its accumulation in reservoirs


The Yellow River (Huang He) is the most important source of water supplied for irrigation. However, it has a very high concentration of suspended sediment, the long-term average value of which is about 30 kg/m3. To ensure a guaranteed supply of water to irrigation systems and normal operation of main canals, a reduction in the turbidity of the flow in the river is required. To determine the required degree of its reduction, the sediment regime in the river was studied, a methodology was proposed for calculating the transport capacity of a suspended saturated flow, and correlations were established between the annual runoff and sediment content in the river flow passing through the river sections in which hydrological stations are located. Sediment transport in the lower section of the river is closely related to the annual water flow and sediment content in the flow passing through the upper station. An assessment of the storage capacity of the Xiaolandi reservoir and a method for determining the volume and timing of its siltation are given.

About the Authors

E. I. Mikhnevich
Белорусский национальный технический университет

Zemin Li
Шэньянский технологический институт


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For citations:

Mikhnevich E.I., Li Z. Sediment regime in the Yellow River and its accumulation in reservoirs. Land Reclamation. 2024;(1):34-42. (In Russ.)

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