Changes in the physical properties of drained peat deposit in the process of its sedimentation
The characteristic of the layer-by-layer precipitation of the drained peat deposit is the compression ratio (compaction). An indicator of the compaction of peat deposits is the bulk density. It is established that further (after 56 years) compaction of the drained peat deposit with a capacity of 150–200 cm will mainly occur in the residual upper layers with initial depths of 0.5 and 1.0 m. The methods for determining the predicted values of the bulk mass in these compacted layers of the peat deposit using its value at the beginning of the calculation period and the value of the compression ratio at the end of this period are proposed. The application of the proposed methods allows to determine the index of compaction of the upper layers of the drained peat deposit (bulk mass) with an accuracy not exceeding an average of 0.021 g/cm3. Calculations on the dependences obtained as a result of the studies show that the transition of the upper half-meter layer of the drained peat deposit to the zone of post-peat soils (volume mass 0.6 g/cm3) will occur in 79–83 years after drainage, and the upper meter – in 159–173 years at the initial (before drainage) power of the peat deposit 150–200 cm.
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For citations:
Avramenko N.M. Changes in the physical properties of drained peat deposit in the process of its sedimentation. Land Reclamation. 2019;(1):24-37. (In Russ.)