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Features of the formation of fodder agrocenoses of perennial grasses with Oil Radish


The results of studies on the formation and productivity of fodder agrocenoses created as a result of the joint sowing of perennial legumes and cereal grasses with oil radish are presented. It has been established that red clover and alfalfa are characterized by the highest cenotic activity in agrocenoses, which were created with the participation of oilseed radish in the amount of 70 % of the seeding rate in its pure form, which is 2.1 million viable seeds/ha. At the same time, the optimal structure for the participation of legume species in the composition of the herbage (40.3–42.5 %) is ensured by adding to the above amount of oilseed radish cereal grasses (60% of the sowing in its pure form) and red clover or alfalfa (80 % of sowing in its pure form). This sowing scheme also provides the highest levels of herbage yield – 9.20–10.20 t/ha.

About the Authors

V. M. Makaro
РУП «Гродненский зональный институт растениеводства НАН Беларуси»

S. V. Gavrikov
РУП «Гродненский зональный институт растениеводства НАН Беларуси»

B. I. Babich
РУП «Гродненский зональный институт растениеводства НАН Беларуси»


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For citations:

Makaro V.M., Gavrikov S.V., Babich B.I. Features of the formation of fodder agrocenoses of perennial grasses with Oil Radish. Land Reclamation. 2022;(1):42-47. (In Russ.)

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