The application of drainage geocomposites on reclamation systems
The article provides data on the types of drainage geocomposites currently used in road and industrial construction, their conditions of use and technical characteristics of some of them. There is practically no information about the filtration and hydraulic characteristics of geocomposites. Data are given on the results of laboratory studies of the water intake capacity of model absorption columns using 10 types of drainage geocomposites. There is a significant influence of geocomposites on increasing the water intake capacity of the absorption columns. The developed design of the experimental absorber column using a drainage geocomposite and a polymer shaped membrane is presented. The validity and expediency of such a design is confirmed by the data of the drainage test at the test site to study the effect of the wall filter effect on the water intake capacity of drainage.
About the Authors
A. I. MitrakhovichBelarus
V. M. Makoed
S. M. Lavushev
A. P. Sergeenya
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For citations:
Mitrakhovich A.I., Makoed V.M., Lavushev S.M., Sergeenya A.P. The application of drainage geocomposites on reclamation systems. Land Reclamation. 2022;(1):13-21. (In Russ.)