
Land Reclamation

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Radio permeability of reclaimed lands by the example of peat soils under sand


The results of the theoretical and practical determination of the radio-permeability of the drained peat soil and underlying sand are presented. It was determined that the general trends of the theoretically calculated and measured attenuation of radio signals coincide: with increasing frequency, the absorption of the radio signal increases. The nonlinearity of the addition of attenuation at the transition of soil types is revealed.

About the Authors

A. S. Anzhenkov
РУП «Институт мелиорации»

V. P. Zakrzhevsky
РУП «Институт мелиорации»

I. O. Mosendz
РУП «Институт мелиорации»


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For citations:

Anzhenkov A.S., Zakrzhevsky V.P., Mosendz I.O. Radio permeability of reclaimed lands by the example of peat soils under sand. Land Reclamation. 2021;(4):14-17. (In Russ.)

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