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Using analytical hierarchy process and multi-influencing factors in predicting groundwater potential zones


For the first time for the territory of the Gorki district of the Mogilev region, the identification of the spatial distribution of groundwater potential zones was carried out using as the initial remote sensing data and open geospatial databases, as well as approaches based on the use of pairwise comparison of spatial parameters by assigning weights based on expert estimates (AHP) and calculating the spatial relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables in accordance with estimates that are assigned based on the major and minor factors (MIF). As a result of processing the initial data, seven thematic layers with the corresponding attributive information were created, which have been assigned different weights to characterize the strength of their influence on groundwater recharge. The spatial distribution of groundwater potential zones was identified using tool of Weighted Overlay analysis tool of ArcGIS ArcGIS 10.5. The results of the study can be used by both local government bodies and researchers to develop the measures to optimize the groundwater resources management in order to protect them and provide rational utilization.

About the Author

T. N. Myslyva
УО «Белорусская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия»


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For citations:

Myslyva T.N. Using analytical hierarchy process and multi-influencing factors in predicting groundwater potential zones. Land Reclamation. 2021;(3):50-66. (In Russ.)

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