
Land Reclamation

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Decompaction of the underground soil layer with loosener RP-45-140


Over-compaction of the soil is one of the main reasons for reducing the productivity of agricultural land. In addition to clay and loamy soils, cohesive sandy soils that have been in agricultural use for a long time are also subject to over-compaction. The main problem of machines and the mechanisms that are used to eliminate over-compaction is the need to reduce the traction force. Based on the analysis of the technical characteristics of soil loosening tools, it has been proposed to create a prototype of a soil loosener of the RP-45-140 type with an unconventional design scheme. In terms of the content of the technological process and the quality of work, it is close to the rippers of passive action. It is aimed at purpose-loosening of soils that are not littered with stones to a depth of up to 45 cm, in which a plow sole is formed and where there are gley layers and in many cases the subsurface layers are characterized by low filtration capacity.

About the Author

L. S. Shkabaro



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For citations:

Shkabaro L.S. Decompaction of the underground soil layer with loosener RP-45-140. Land Reclamation. 2021;(3):22-27. (In Russ.)

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