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Economic efficiency of trepel for liming radionuclide­contaminated land


In conditions of radioactive contamination, along with creating optimal conditions for obtaining stable yields, liming aimed at reducing the availability of 90Sr and 137Cs radionuclides from the soil to plants.

The study of the properties of the diatomite earth deposits of Stalnoye (Khotimsk district, Mogilev region) in the field experience on sod-podzolic light loamy soil under conditions of radioactive contamination showed that the effect on reducing the transfer of radionuclides to products in comparison with dolomite flour is comparable or exceeds it. The resulting increases in the yield of spring wheat and oats are superior to those with the use of dolomite flour. In the link of crop rotation, wheat- oats-lupine in the variant with a full dose of trepel – by 31.5 %, with a half dose – by 6.5%. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of using dolomite flour and trepel is ambiguous, since trepel is presented on the market as a feed additive. In this regard, the maximum value of the cost of repayment of acidity on 1 ha of slightly acidic soils contaminated with radionuclides using trepel at a dose equivalent to 6 t/ha of CaCO3 (840.31 rubles/ha) and the maximum selling price for it (13.32 rubles/t), which allows to ensure 5 % efficiency of costs for agrochemization in the conditions of field experience.

About the Authors

V. A. Miarzlova
ГНУ «НИЭИ Министерства экономики Республики Беларусь»

T. N. Aheyeva
МОУ ВО «Белорусско-Российский университет»


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For citations:

Miarzlova V.A., Aheyeva T.N. Economic efficiency of trepel for liming radionuclide­contaminated land. Land Reclamation. 2021;(1):50-60. (In Russ.)

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