Yield value of yellowflowered alfalfa cultivated on agricultural peat soils of polessie
The article presents the results of the research, conducted in 2016–2020 on agricultural peat soils of the Polesie region. The impact of agrotechnical methods of yellow-flowered alfalfa (Medicago falcata L.) cultivation on the formation of yield of green mass was studied. It was established that the yield of yellow alfalfa was the maximum with no-cover sowing. The best seed rate is 24 kg/ha, regardless of the sowing method. The total yield of yellow alfalfa with a cover crop with an increase in the seeding rate to 18–24 kg / ha is comparable to the yield of alfalfa with non-cover sowing. The yield value was improved by increasing doses of fertilizers to P90K90.
About the Authors
A. V. YuzupanovBelarus
L. N. Luchanok
O. V. Ptashats
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For citations:
Yuzupanov A.V., Luchanok L.N., Ptashats O.V. Yield value of yellowflowered alfalfa cultivated on agricultural peat soils of polessie. Land Reclamation. 2021;(1):38-44. (In Russ.)