The influence of fertilizers and irrigation on the dynamics of growth and yield of sugar beets
The article presents the results of studies that were conducted in 2017‒2019 in the eastern parts of Mogilev region on the growth, development and yield of sugar beet at different doses of fertilizers during irrigation. One of the factors for increasing the yield of sugar beets is fertilizer, but its reaction to additional irrigation has not been known in Belarus until now. Two doses of fertilizers, N120P90K180 and N150P110K300, were used in the experiment. For experiments, a zoned variety of sugar beet – singleseeded Belpol was used. Field experiments on sugar beet irrigation were conducted in the Tushkovo experimental field of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. The soil is a sod-podzolic light loam, developing on a light pulverized loess-like loam, underlain by a morainic loam from a depth of about 1 m. Maintaining soil moisture level within the boundaries of 60 % HB, 70 % HB, 80 % HB was monitored. Variants were irrigated with a wide-reach Linsday-Europe Omega «Zimmatik» sprinkler. As a result of research, it was found that the greatest impact made on the yield was the lower limit of regulation of 70 % HB against the background of N150P110K300.
About the Author
S. V. NabzdorovBelarus
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For citations:
Nabzdorov S.V. The influence of fertilizers and irrigation on the dynamics of growth and yield of sugar beets. Land Reclamation. 2020;(2):48-57. (In Russ.)