
Land Reclamation

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Experimental studies of the peat sediment wth the reclamation system "POMS" in Luninets district


This article presents the observation results of the process of drained peat deposit precipitation with the reclamation system "POMS" for the 56 years. The data on the change in water-physical properties, the magnitude and intensity of the total peat sediment at the initial (before drainage) depth of 150-200 cm and the use of peat in the monoculture of grasses and field crop rotation are presented. The forecast of complete peat extraction at different depths and usage is made.

About the Author

N. .. Avramenko
Polesye experimental land reclamation station and base (Luninets district, Brest province)


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For citations:

Avramenko N... Experimental studies of the peat sediment wth the reclamation system "POMS" in Luninets district. Land Reclamation. 2018;(4):50-62. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)