Features of creating a seed grass festulolium under a cover of grain crops
This article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of creating a seed grass festulolium under the cover of grain crops. It has been established that in order to obtain a yield of 8-10 centners per hectare and a highly profitable production of seeds, the laying of the grass stand should be carried out under the cover of winter wheat or triticale at the earliest opportunity to start mechanized work. The seeding rate of festulolium seeds should be 4 million seeds per hectare in case of planned application of nitrogen fertilizers for grain crops (at a dose of N60) and 6 million germinated seeds per hectare (with increasing nitrogen dose to N90-120).
About the Authors
V. .. Makaro
The Grodno Zonal Institute of Plant Growing of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
S. .. Gavrikov
The Grodno Zonal Institute of Plant Growing of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
L. .. Rutkovskaya
The Grodno Zonal Institute of Plant Growing of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
B. .. Babich
The Grodno Zonal Institute of Plant Growing of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
1. Кукреш, Л. В. Секрет экономики скотоводства - в кормах / Л. В. Кукреш // Белорусское сельское хозяйство. - 2011. - № 3. - С. 40-42.
2. Пахомов, И. Я. Обеспечим коров протеином / И. Я. Пахомов, Н. П. Разумовский // Наше сельское хозяйство. - 2012. - № 2. - С. 93-98.
For citations:
Makaro V...,
Gavrikov S...,
Rutkovskaya L...,
Babich B...
Features of creating a seed grass festulolium under a cover of grain crops. Land Reclamation. 2018;(4):45-49.
(In Russ.)
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