
Land Reclamation

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Determination of technical and economically justified norms of water requirements for sprinkler and drip irrigation of vegetable cultures in the open ground


The relationship of agricultural irrigation norms with their watering rates has been studied. The analysis of the results of water balance calculations for a longterm period (1980-2015) was carried out. The data from 42 meteorological stations located in different hydrological and climatic zones of Belarus have been used. It was shown that technically and economically feasible norms of water demand in projects of drip and sprinkler irrigation can be calculated from the maxinorms irrigation using a linear relationship with a single empirical coefficient constant for all vegetable crops, but varying in soils. It was established that with an increase in watering rates, irrigation norms intensively decrease, following from loamy to sandy loam and further to sandy soil. This pattern is valid in the range of watering rates, which covers the whole range of economically sound and environmentally safe drip and sprinkler irrigation throughout Belarus.

About the Authors

A. P. Likhatsevich
RUE “Institute for Land Reclamation”

G. V. Latushkina
RUE “Institute for Land Reclamation”


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2. Лихацевич, А. П. Зависимость норм орошения от поливных норм / А. П. Лихацевич, Г. В. Латушкина, И. В. Бурина // Перспективи шновацшно-швестицшного розвитку водного господарства : збiрник матерiалiв мiжнародноi навуково-практичноi конференцц. - Херсон : Херсонський державний аграрний ушверситет, 2017. - С. 13-17.

3. Оросительные системы. Правила проектирования: ТКП 45-3.04.2009 (02250). - Введ. 29.12.2009. - Минск, 2010. - 74 с.

4. Орошаемое плодоовощеводство : учеб. пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений по специальности «Плодоовощеводство» / А. П. Лихацевич, М. Г. Голченко ; под ред. А. П. Лихацевича. - Минск : ИВЦ Минфина, 2017. - 287 с.


For citations:

Likhatsevich A.P., Latushkina G.V. Determination of technical and economically justified norms of water requirements for sprinkler and drip irrigation of vegetable cultures in the open ground. Land Reclamation. 2018;(4):16-23. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)