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Self-sealing polymer-cement fiber-concrete for repair and reconstruction of hydraulic units of water management and reclamation complex


A significant part of the reinforced concrete hydro technical structures of the water management and reclamation complex in the process of exploitation, under the influence of the environment get various kinds of damage what requires the carrying out of repair and restoration works by the method of monolithic concreting. The effectiveness of such works is based on the quality of concrete, its technological, physical-mechanical and operating properties. One of the most promising materials for repair and restoration works is concrete based on high-mobility self-compacting mixtures. Modification of such mixtures by polymer latex and polypropylene fiber makes it possible to create self-sealing polymer-cement fiber-reinforced concrete for efficient repair and reconstruction of reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures.

About the Authors

A. V. Kovalenko
Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation (Ukraine)

A. Ju. Juzjuk
Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation (Ukraine)


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For citations:

Kovalenko A.V., Juzjuk A.J. Self-sealing polymer-cement fiber-concrete for repair and reconstruction of hydraulic units of water management and reclamation complex. Land Reclamation. 2018;(3):34-38. (In Russ.)

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