
Land Reclamation

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Оценка фитосанитарной ситуации в посевах кабачка, возделывемого по традиционной и органической системам земледелия


The article compares traditional and organic agricultural systems and how these systems affect coenosis of weed vegetation and phyto-pathological situation of marrow crops. Obtained data according weeds shows tendency to increasing vegetation under organic system of cultivation. Development of diseases in marrow cultivated traditionally and organically is characterized as moderate. Phyto-improving effect of bacterial fertilizers, compost, natural additives and biological remedies in organic system is higher compared with traditional one. Productivity analysis shows that averagely yield level of marrow of traditional cultivation is 139.3 t/ha and of an organicone is 75.6 t/ha

About the Authors

I. I. Vaga
Institute of Plant Protection

F. A. Popov
Institute of Plant Protection


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For citations:

Vaga I.I., Popov F.A. . Land Reclamation. 2018;(1):65-70. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)