
Land Reclamation

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Field germination and survivability of singlespecies grass and grass mixtures are studied on sodpodzolic soils of Ryazan region. 2012-2014 investigation of survivability of single-species sowing rare estimated and concluded that loose bush and rhizome bush cereals have the best field germination; red fescue, bent grass and Poa pratensis are more survival. Among grass stands complex grass mixture comprising four species of lawn grass of various types of tiller.

About the Authors

T. S. Lazareva
Ryazan State Agrotechnical University of P.A. Kostychev
Russian Federation

Yu. A. Mazhaisky
Ryazan State Agrotechnical University of P.A. Kostychev
Russian Federation


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3. Mycorrhizal fungi enhance drought resistance in creeping bentgrass / Gemma J.N., Koske R.E., Roberts E.M., Jackson N., De Antonis K.M. // Turfgrass Sci. - 1977. - Vol. 73.

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For citations:

Lazareva T.S., Mazhaisky Yu.A. THE SURVIVAL RATE OF LAWN GRASSES AND GRASS MIXTURES. Land Reclamation. 2016;(1):66-70. (In Russ.)

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