Changes of botanical grass stand composition and productuvity of them in dependence on methods and terms of regrassing worked out peat soils
About the Authors
V. Ch. SerekhanBelarus
A. S. Meerovskiy
A. A. Satishur
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2. Бамбалов Н.Н. Баланс органического вещества торфяных почв и методы его изучения. - Мн.: Ураджай, 1985. - 377 с
3. Кудрячев А.И. Луговодство на мелкозалежных торфяниках. - Мн.: Ураджай, 1981. - 136 с
For citations:
Serekhan V.Ch., Meerovskiy A.S., Satishur A.A. Changes of botanical grass stand composition and productuvity of them in dependence on methods and terms of regrassing worked out peat soils. Land Reclamation. 2005;(1):89-99. (In Russ.)