
Land Reclamation

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It is determined that the rational between repair period of decolmatage of wells depends on type of aquifer, hydrogeological conditions, availability of gravel backfill and its quality, the right service. It is less depends on absolute values of the Rizner and quantity of dissolved iron. It is made the method of between repair period calculations of actual water inlet of groundwater. It determines the time of productivity reduction Qд of working water inlet to the value of actual water supply Qs of a village. Based on natural data of water inlet survey it is made the system of equations of dynamic equilibrium of groundwater inlet taking into account colmatation factors and mutual influence of wells. Solution of the system determines the change of water inlet productivity in time as well as justifies terms of reparative actions and fulfills the correct selection of submersible pumps based on allowed reduced levels and the maximum possible performance of wells.

About the Authors

V. V. Ivashechkin
Belarusian National Technical University

A. M. Sheiko
Belarusian National Technical University

E. I. Mihnevich
Belarusian National Technical University


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For citations:

Ivashechkin V.V., Sheiko A.M., Mihnevich E.I. THE FORECAST OF WELL SPECIFIC YIELD DECREASE IN SERVICE. Land Reclamation. 2012;(2):33-43. (In Russ.)

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