
Land Reclamation

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Economic estimation of the agricultural use of reclamated lands in modern conditions


In article there are brought methods of the estimation of different variants of agricultural use and intensities of their realization with provision for stochasticness of weather-climatic conditions. Calculations are founded on building curves of probability for harvest and determinating on it the probability of profit.Using data of 40-year multi-factor field experiences on cultures productivities, were distributed economic efficient variants of crop rotations and doses of fertilizers. There are represented results on working out of the peat for period of observations.

About the Authors

N. K. Vakhonin
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

A. N. Barsukov
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

N. M. Avramenko
Polesye Experimental station for Land Reclamation and Meadow Cultivation

S. D. Bondar
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

E. G. Osipchik
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

I. V. Klimkova
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

S. M. Levchuk
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

L. M. Kislaja
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

V. V. Tkach
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

A. P. Yakimchuk
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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For citations:

Vakhonin N.K., Barsukov A.N., Avramenko N.M., Bondar S.D., Osipchik E.G., Klimkova I.V., Levchuk S.M., Kislaja L.M., Tkach V.V., Yakimchuk A.P. Economic estimation of the agricultural use of reclamated lands in modern conditions. Land Reclamation. 2005;(1):13-26. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)