
Land Reclamation

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The modern state of hayfields and grasslands in the Republic and the research methods of improving their efficiency are given in the article. The author also provides the readers with some information about the results of the field experiments that were held to examine whether it is possible to create a meadow haying process using different types of grasses. It was established that it is possible to increase the duration of mowing the first growth of grasses only during the optimum phase (40-45 days). Some formulas of the cereal and fabaceous mixed grass crops that make it possible to organize the raw haying process are suggested. The main elements of the resourcesaving technology of herbage meadow reformation which allows to decrease costs are given. The results of intercropping of some sorts of legumes into the turf of old herbage and the possibilities of their efficient longevity are also represented in the article.

About the Author

A. L. Birukovich
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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For citations:

Birukovich A.L. THE WAYS OF INCREASING THE MEADOW FODDER CROPPING EFFICIENCY. Land Reclamation. 2011;(1):157-164. (In Russ.)

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