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The results of the analysis concerning the effectiveness of draining of badly pervious mineral soil with the help of horizontal drainage in Postavy and Braslav districts of Vitebsk region and various methods of loess loam draining in Mstsislav district of Mogilev region on dish relief are given in the article. The positive role of drainage on the acquitard soils with plain relief is noted. The periodicity of drainage effectiveness and a great influence of water permeability of drainage filling are established. Most effective draining of loess loam on dish relief is reached on the areas which were drained using the solid and punctate filled selective sand-gravel drainage of separate drains to a plough-layer level. In case of >0.005 surface slope it is recommended to limit the usage of systematic drainage. It is stated that under-hollow collectors should be arranged differentially as consistent with surface relief.

About the Authors

V. T. Klimkov
Belarusian National Technical University

A. I. Mitrakhovich
РУП «Институт мелиорации»

I. Ch. Kazmiruk
РУП «Институт мелиорации»


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2. Гулюк, Г.Г. Руководство по мелиорации полей./ Г.Г.Гулюк, М.Б.Черник [и др.]. - Санкт-Птб, 2007. - 235 с

3. Юрченков, Н.П. Технологические указания по ремонту и восстановлению закрытого дренажа в Калининградской области./ Н.П.Юрченков. - Калининград, 1977. - 49 с

4. Митрахович, А.И. Оценка эффективности осушения лессовидных суглинков. / А.И.Митрахович, И.Ч.Казьмирук, С.В.Набздоров.// Мелиорация. - 2010. - №1(63). - С. 78-85


For citations:

Klimkov V.T., Mitrakhovich A.I., Kazmiruk I.Ch. THE DRAINING OF THE ACQUITARD MINERAL SOILS. Land Reclamation. 2011;(1):76-83. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)