History of botanical compound of heteromature plant formations depending on its application
Results of quadrennial investigation on history of botanical compound of heteromature plant formations in haying and rotation grazing system. It was revealed, that combined application of plant formations stimulates increase of crop specific weight of high and semi high grasses (by 10.9 12.4%), broad leaved clover (by 12.3 20.2%), as well and facilitates decrease of weed infestation by herbs and inferior wild growing grasses (1.3 3.0 times). At the same time decrease is observed if compared to pasturable application of lower cauline-leaves grasses specific weight (by 14.5%).
About the Authors
A. A. Gornovsky
EI "Belarusian State Agricultural Academy"
S. I. Kholdeev
EI "Belarusian State Agricultural Academy"
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For citations:
Gornovsky A.A.,
Kholdeev S.I.
History of botanical compound of heteromature plant formations depending on its application. Land Reclamation. 2010;(2):156-162.
(In Russ.)
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