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Adjustment of phytocenoses specific compound by influencing nitrogen-gathering activity of leguminous crops


Leguminous crops according to its nitrogen-fixing activity possess the following indexes (stated in decreasing order): haying agrocoenosis-birdsfoot deer vetch, broad-leaved clover, and Lucerne; pascual agrocoenosis - white sweet clover, and lucern. Lucerne, awnless brome and birdsfoot deer vetch intensively accumulated phenols and free amino acids in rhizosphere, thus determining high soil allelopathic activity in its rhizosphere and influencing to some extent nitrogen-gathering activity of leguminous crops when these cultures included into grass mixtures. Amid reclamated soddy - podzolic soils during haying Lucerne and birdsfoot deer vetch had the highest level of nitrogen-gathering activity. Intensity of broad-leaved clover nitrogen-gathering activity in 3-4 times lower. Application of plant formation (2 and 4-cutting) did not influence intensity of symbiotic nitrogen-gathering activity of Lucerne plants.

About the Authors

A. S. Meerovsky
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

A. I. Zabolotny
State Scientific Enterprise "Institute of experimental Botany"

T. A. Budkevich
State Scientific Enterprise "Institute of experimental Botany"

A. L. Birukovich
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

N. V. Marchenko
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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For citations:

Meerovsky A.S., Zabolotny A.I., Budkevich T.A., Birukovich A.L., Marchenko N.V. Adjustment of phytocenoses specific compound by influencing nitrogen-gathering activity of leguminous crops. Land Reclamation. 2010;(2):148-155. (In Russ.)

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