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Economical efficiency of combined application of stimulation measures for winter triticale cultivation at anthropogenically transformed peat soils


Results of perennial field researches on efficiency studying of stimulation measures for winter triticale cultivation at anthropogenically transformed peat soils. It was stated, that the highest level of system efficiency (63.2$ / hectare) and profitability (13.8%) obtained after application of P80K120N'60 and application of additional nitrogen fertilizing (N30) combined with growth retardant (Terpal) at the beginning of booting phase. Application of additional stimulation measures for winter triticale cultivation at more favorable weather conditions for vegetation is even more economically justified.

About the Authors

N. N. Semenenko
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

I. I. Vaga
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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For citations:

Semenenko N.N., Vaga I.I. Economical efficiency of combined application of stimulation measures for winter triticale cultivation at anthropogenically transformed peat soils. Land Reclamation. 2010;(2):123-128. (In Russ.)

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