
Land Reclamation

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Creation of thematic layers of an electronic card for geoinformation support of reclamative systems operation


The results of development of procedure for creation of thematic electronic maps using charts and plans of reclamation projects, characteristics of their technical conditions etc., used to operate reclamative systems in Belarus are presented. As a source data, cartographic materials (for open application) on paper carriers are considered. The procedure will allow to store cartographic materials in design groups of reclamative organizations and maintenance services in an electronic kind to make efficient operational decisions.

About the Authors

K. A. Shuin
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

S. E. Strakhov
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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2. Лихацевич А.П., Левин Г.Ю. Агромелиоративный мониторинг как средство информационного обеспечения эксплуатации мелиоративных систем. // Мелиорация переувлажненных земель. Сб. науч. работ БелНИИМиЛ. Т. 47. - 2000. - С. 94-102

3. Вахонин Н.К. Системный анализ моделирования природнотехнических систем в применении к мелиоративным сельскохозяйственным объектам. // Мелиорация переувлажненных земель. Сб. науч. работ БелНИИМиЛ. Т. 42. - 1995. - С. 45-74


For citations:

Shuin K.A., Strakhov S.E. Creation of thematic layers of an electronic card for geoinformation support of reclamative systems operation. Land Reclamation. 2004;(2):95-102. (In Russ.)

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