
Land Reclamation

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Yield Level of Seeds of Blue Lupine Depending on Presowing Cultivation Method of Soil


Results of study are stated for application effect of various methods of presowing cultivation of soil on yield level of blue lupine seeds of Pershatsvet grade, carried out in field trials on sod-podzol clay sand soils. Positive effect is found of using combined aggregate in system of presowing cultivation of soil, providing yield level of blue lupine above 30 c/ha and cost effectiveness of its usage - 73%.

About the Authors

O. V. Ptashets
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

O. Ch. Kozhenevski
Grodno State Agrarian University


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For citations:

Ptashets O.V., Kozhenevski O.Ch. Yield Level of Seeds of Blue Lupine Depending on Presowing Cultivation Method of Soil. Land Reclamation. 2009;(2):196-202. (In Russ.)

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