Increasing Efficiency of Irrigation Water Utilization at Farms and Dekhane (Peasants) Housholds in Uzbekistan
Mathematical models are developed for crop yield forecasting. Calculated values and actual data have quite satisfactory convergence and after carrying out adaptive study they can be applied in different countries. Scenarios «Variations of water volumes between crops», «Variations of crops’ areas» and «Variations of water volumes and crops’ areas» were developed, in which perspectives of distribution of water and land resources in water user associations for in time correction of water consumption plans and performing monitoring in farms and dekhane (peasants) households are taken into consideration. For the programs to be realized, it is necessary to determine exact market value, amount of water resources and sufficient number of water meters.
About the Author
R. A. Muradov
Tashkent Institute for Irrigation and Reclamation
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2. Бараев Ф.А. и др. Гидромелиоратив тизимлардан фойдаланиш. (Эксплуатация гидромелиоративных систем). - Ташкент. - 2008. - 362 с
For citations:
Muradov R.A.
Increasing Efficiency of Irrigation Water Utilization at Farms and Dekhane (Peasants) Housholds in Uzbekistan. Land Reclamation. 2009;(2):141-146.
(In Russ.)
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