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Equation of Connection of Tractor and Devices Traveling in Echelon-Type Spaced Apart Machine-Tractor Aggregate (MTA)


Immitation of irregularities of macrorelief by echelon-type, spaced apart, hinged aggregate is provided by length regulation of top links of front and back mounted tools. At this, the limiting corrections are spread in time, that enables one hydraulic liquid vessel to be used for both regulating systems. If regulation is not available, aggregate doesn’t provide cultivation according to agrotechnical requirements while traveling to a slope. It is possible to regulate the length of top links in advance to prevent different while traveling on slope. Top link of the front mounted device is to be extended by 6 mm at 5° slope, and top link of back mounted device is to be shortened by 10 mm.

About the Author

A. V. Vashula
EI "Belarusian Testing Maсhine Station"


1. Испытания плуга Lemken vari Transit 8 «Такой тяжелый и все-таки легкий» // Современная техника и оборудование, осенний выпуск.- 2007. - №3. - С.34-37

2. Горин, Г.С. Уравновешивание эшелонированного пахотного агрегата на базе гусеничного трактора в продольно-вертикальной плоскости / Г. С. Горин, А. В. Ващула // Весцi Нацыянальнай акадэмii навук Беларусi. Серыя аграрных навук. - 2008. - № 1. - С. 89-96

3. Горин, Г.С. Расчѐт усилий в тягах переднего навесного устройства при переезде неровностей рельефа / Г.С. Горин, А. В. Ващула // Мелиорация - 2009. - № 1. - С. 28-39


For citations:

Vashula A.V. Equation of Connection of Tractor and Devices Traveling in Echelon-Type Spaced Apart Machine-Tractor Aggregate (MTA). Land Reclamation. 2009;(2):119-125. (In Russ.)

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