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Investigation of Treatment Efficiency of Surface Discharges from Plant Site and Their Impacts on the Environment


It is found that treatment works of agriproduct processing plant have treated surface discharges from oil products in the best possible way (by 97%). Amount of Ntotal in biological treatment ponds reduced by 27%, and ammonia N - by 45%. There was no effect from nitrate and nitrite treatment, because concentration of these elements was very low in rainfall run-offs. The water was drained clean into environment; concentration of chemicals in treated surface (rainfall) run-offs was below permissible level by 2-21 times.

About the Author

S. .. Misevichiene
Lithuanian Agricultural University


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For citations:

Misevichiene S... Investigation of Treatment Efficiency of Surface Discharges from Plant Site and Their Impacts on the Environment. Land Reclamation. 2009;(2):74-81. (In Russ.)

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