
Land Reclamation

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Main Trends of Reconstruction of Melioration Systems in Conditions of Polesye


Main trends in reconstruction of melioration systems on lands with worked-out peat swamps are presented and the most effective measures in these conditions are put forward - excavation of selective plastic drainage with water absorbing elements. . Parameters of constructive elements of drainage are recommended. Effect of upsilting degree of drainage on reduction of its discharge capacity is marked. Requirements for construction technology of closed drainage are stated with due consideration of soil humidity degree. Characteristics and conditions of application of new materials and devices are given.

About the Authors

A. I. Mitrakhovich
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

N. M. Avramenko
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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3. Гулюк, Г.Г. Руководство по мелиорации полей./ Г.Г.Гулюк, М.Б.Черняк, В.И.Штыков, Ю.Г.Янко. - Санкт-Петербург: Изд-во Политех. ун-та, 2007. - 172 с

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For citations:

Mitrakhovich A.I., Avramenko N.M. Main Trends of Reconstruction of Melioration Systems in Conditions of Polesye. Land Reclamation. 2009;(2):59-63. (In Russ.)

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