
Land Reclamation

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Taking into Account the Condition of Reclaimed Lands While Planning Repair-and-Operational Works


Methods of integral assessment of reclaimed lands is presented, by using various factors with due consideration of technical and melioration condition. The main objects of situation analysis on reclaimed lands аnd for carrying out of operational works are defined - element of melioration system and maintenance section. Key indices, characterizing technical condition of reclaimed lands are defined. Numerical values formula for each index are given. Method of their categorizing is proposed, which allows defining the order of carrying out operational works on reclaimed lands. Application of proposed methods will allow planning and exercising complex repair-and-operational works on melioration systems, providing the most effective utilization of resources, allocated for repair-andoperational works and agro reclamation measures.

About the Authors

A. P. Likhatsevich
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"

S. E. Strakhov
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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For citations:

Likhatsevich A.P., Strakhov S.E. Taking into Account the Condition of Reclaimed Lands While Planning Repair-and-Operational Works. Land Reclamation. 2009;(2):51-58. (In Russ.)

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