
Land Reclamation

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Optimization agricultural production on improved lands with due acount of spatial distribution of parameters and processes


The problem of creation of the system of decision making on agricultural production on improved lands is considered. The analysis of its components: kind of a optimization problem for the agreed choice of versions of up-dating and transformation, kind and intensity of agricultural usage both structure of data support on the basis of databases and geo-information systems (GIS) is carried out. The procedure of area complex zonation of parameters and processes that define yielding capacity and ecological state of reclaimed watersheds by means GIS for implementation of optimization with due account of distribution of parameters is represented.

About the Author

N. K. Vakhonin
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


1. Вахонин Н.К. Мониторинг как информационное обеспечение принятия экономико-экологически эффективных решений на мелиорированных 51 землях. // Мелиорация переувлажненных земель. Сб. научных работ БелНИИМиЛ. Т. XLVIII. - 2001. - С. 61-81

2. Вахонин Н.К. Геореляционная организация данных результатов мониторинга водосборов для принятия решений на немелиорированных землях. //Современные проблемы сельскохозяйственной мелиорации: Докл. Межд.науч.-практ. конф. Минск, Беларусь, 29-30 мая 2001. - Мн.: БелНИИМиЛ, 2001. - С. 41-50


For citations:

Vakhonin N.K. Optimization agricultural production on improved lands with due acount of spatial distribution of parameters and processes. Land Reclamation. 2004;(2):40-52. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)