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Structure of Expenses and Assessment of Efficiency of Growing the Perennial Grasses in the Haylandand Pasture-Turnover System


The results of three-year investigations for studying the expense structure and efficiency of growing the differently-ripening pasture plant stands in the haylandand pasture-turnover system has shown that the grass mixtures ensure the greatest output of fodder units being 7.8 to 11.4 tons per hectare with the profitability level of 105.8314.3% in case of alternating use. The most expensive links in the technology of growing the plant stands in the haylandand pasture-turnover system are costs of fertilizers, energy carriers plant-protection means, the share of which in the total scope of expenses is 80.8-87.5%.

About the Author

A. A. Gornovsky
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy


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For citations:

Gornovsky A.A. Structure of Expenses and Assessment of Efficiency of Growing the Perennial Grasses in the Haylandand Pasture-Turnover System. Land Reclamation. 2008;(2):199-205. (In Russ.)

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