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Resistance of Sort-Samples of Reed Canary Grass to Infavourable Environment Factors


Reed Canary Grass (Digraphus antndinacea) has the genetically conditioned winter resistance, which depends inter alia on the weather conditions and frequency of alienation of the top. The plant groups have different resistance to cold in comparison with the mid-ripening and late-ripening groups. The comparison of the group of sort samples in respect of resistance to cold in case of haying use and for seeding purposes has made it possible to reveal the best sorts in each group as well as to determine the influence of this factor for other signs and properties being valuable for the economy. The research has ascertained that the sort-samples from Karelia, Sverdlovsk, Murmansk and Vologda Regions had the best resistance to cold.

About the Author

V. N. Sarsania
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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For citations:

Sarsania V.N. Resistance of Sort-Samples of Reed Canary Grass to Infavourable Environment Factors. Land Reclamation. 2008;(2):183-188. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)