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Nutritional Value of the Fodder of Bird's-Foot and Its Mixture with Blue Lupine in Various Methods of Siloing


The main productivity factors for homotypical and mixed sowing of bird’s-foot with blue lupine. The mixed sowing exceeded the homotypical one in respect of the productivity of herbage by 49.5%, dry substance - by 56.9% and output of fodder unit - by 31.6% from a hectare. The provision of one fodder unit with raw protein was 218 and that of pure bird’s-foot was 185 g. Depending on the preservation method, the nutritional value of silage was 0.85 fodder units and 10.5 MJ of metabolizable energy in one kilogram of dry substance for the mixture of bird’s-foot with blue lupine with the provision of one fodder unit with digestible protein of 169 g.

About the Authors

V. N. Shlapunov
RUE "Scientific Practical Centre of National Academy of Sciences for Agriculture"

Zh. A. Gurinovich
RUE "Scientific Practical Centre of National Academy of Sciences for Stock Breeding"

T. P. Nosovets
RUE "Scientific Practical Centre of National Academy of Sciences for Agriculture"


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For citations:

Shlapunov V.N., Gurinovich Zh.A., Nosovets T.P. Nutritional Value of the Fodder of Bird's-Foot and Its Mixture with Blue Lupine in Various Methods of Siloing. Land Reclamation. 2008;(2):178-182. (In Russ.)

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